BD Phosflow™ Human Monocyte/NK Cell Activation Kit

Availablity: In stock

Catalog/Part Number: 15821639
Brand: BD Biosciences
Supplier Location: LOUGHBOROUGH, UK
Inventory Weight: 1 kg
Unit of Measurement:
Inventory Brochure: unavailable

Catalog/Part Number:: 15821639


Sorry no inventory found for this brand at this time.


Complete system for the determination of the activation status of six different key phosphoproteins in B cells, monocytes, NK cells, and T cells using whole blood samples.


  • Phosphorylation status information on the intracellular MAPK and JAK/STAT signaling pathway
  • Responses transduced by treated human monocytes and NK cells
  • Signaling events in T and B-cell populations


  • Lyophilized positive and negative control cells to increase confidence and standardization

Flow cytometry

Catalog/Part Number: 15821639 Category:

Technical Specifications

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