Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer

Availablity: In stock

Catalog/Part Number: DPiMS-8060
Supplier: SHIMADZU
Supplier Location: JAPAN
Inventory Weight: unavailable
Unit of Measurement:
Inventory Brochure: c146e369.pdf |

Catalog/Part Number:: DPiMS-8060

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The DPiMS-8060 is a kit for direct probe ionization mass spectrometer. It uses a probe to remove a micro quantity of liquid from the sample placed on the sample plate and inject it into the MS unit for mass analysis. The probe electro spray ionization (PESI) method was developed in 2007 by Professor Kenzo Hiraoka at the University of Yamanashi to directly ionize samples without using a chromatograph. The DPiMS-8060 is available as an ionization kit for the LCMS-8045/8050/8060 mass spectrometer. It is extremely easy to operate and it is able to measure samples such as chemical products, food materials, and biological samples, directly or with very minimal sample pretreatment.

Catalog/Part Number: DPiMS-8060 Category:

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