State-of-the-Art Auto Purification/Powderization System

Availablity: In stock

Catalog/Part Number: Crude2Pure
Supplier: SHIMADZU
Supplier Location: JAPAN
Inventory Weight: unavailable
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Inventory Brochure: C190E171B.pdf |

Catalog/Part Number:: Crude2Pure

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When purifying target compounds from extracts of natural products and synthetic substances via preparative LC, powderization of the target compounds of the fraction is an important process. Ordinarily, it takes time to purify and powderize the target compounds obtained by the preparative LC. It is also difficult to recover high-purity powder. The Crude2Pure system, which is based on ground-breaking purification methods, provides a new approach that reduces the work of the purification/powderization process after preparation.

The Crude2Pure system consists of a trapping system equipped with a dedicated Shim-pack C2P-H column for trapping and concentrating the target compound, and a recovery system that automatically powderizes and recovers the trapping target compound. Single and multi-system configurations are available to meet specific operational requirements.

Catalog/Part Number: Crude2Pure Category:

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