Abnova™ 19p Subtelomere (Texas Red) FISH Probe

Availablity: In stock

Catalog/Part Number: 16002945
Brand: Abnova
Supplier Location: LOUGHBOROUGH, UK
Inventory Weight: unavailable
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Inventory Brochure: unavailable

Catalog/Part Number:: 16002945


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  • Dual colored probes for fast, sensitive, and specific detection
  • Work on metaphase spread, paraffin embedded, and frozen tissue
  • Identify gene amplification, loss, and translocation
  • High signal to noise ratio
  • Low cross reactivity

Catalog/Part Number: 16002945 Category:

Technical Specifications

Texas Red
FISH Hybridization Buffer (80 uL)
19p Subtelomere(Texas Red) FISH Probe
Store at 4°C in the dark.
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (Cell)
19p Subtelomere
20 uL

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